A magazine,

for you

Volume One

A note from the editor, 

Hello, you. Thankyou for picking up a copy of this very special debut issue of Groupie Magazine and opening it to at least the first page. At Groupie, we believe in the fun stuff. That feeling when you first ever heard bass live and it vibrated through your whole body. You can never come back from that. One of those moments is when I fell in love with music, and it just kept getting better. As a teen, I would travel anywhere, any time, miss school (or turn up the next day looking more like a ghost than a girl) just to go to see live music, because thats all that mattered. It’s all that matters. For the select few, music is all we think about, it’s what our lives revolve around, it’s the centre of our universe. If you, dear reader, are one of those select few, welcome home. 

Again as a teen, the word Groupie was thrown around a lot. Towards my friends and I, and from us, too. I was lead to believe that being a Groupie was to be bad, to not care about music, to only care about the selfish benefits one could gain. That, I later learned, is simply untrue. Being a Groupie is to love music more than life itself, it’s about being surrounded by people who are like you. It’s about being mind blown about how the fuck they got a guitar to sound like that. It’s about looking up at those people on stage and wondering how these divine beings came to be. If you’ve ever found yourself gazing up at someone on stage and feeling a sense of adoration and pure love. This is for you. 

Volume Two

An updated Groupie Manifesto

A Groupie is a modern person, who embraces themselves and others in a wholesome manor. A Groupie loves music. They love to widen others’ musical minds and spread the word of the musical minded. They gather in groups, listen to music and are simply human for a few hours. Because sometimes it is difficult to feel that way in this day and age. To just exist, to not serve anyone but ones self.

That is the message of Groupie this half-year. You do not need to be anything, live up to any expectations, except your own. Embrace humanity, listen to music, connect with others, love each other unconditionally, accept that people have faults, and embrace your own, love each other regardless of them.

You are breathing, you are alive.

Go on, Live life. Love, Groupie.

Volume Three

A re-updated Groupie Manifesto

It always comes back to it. To music. How music makes you feel. Whether it makes you storm out of venue because the average men on stage shouting about problems they’ve never faced make you irrationally angry. Or if you're stood in a room of sweaty people crying your eyes out because the band you didn't know you loved so much surprise you with the most devastatingly sad song you’ve ever heard.

A Groupie is someone who loves music, if i have to say it again.

Whether you’re shagging someone in a band or not. It doesn't matter. Because being a Groupie is to love music.

I’ve always lived and breathed music. I didn't know I could fall further into the pit of it until this year. When I was 15 running around cities I didn't know, with my best friends, chasing the best bands in the world that no one knew even existed. I hadn’t thought it could get better than that. But it did. It got heartbreakingly, gorgeously, painfully better than that. This magazine is for people who love music, who live and breathe it. Who want to inject particular songs into their veins, just to be more enveloped in them. If that’s you, this is for you.

The world is yours, if you want it.

Yours, Forever

Groupie xxx